Can I place a guest order?
Yes, guest orders are possible.

How long does it take for my online order to be shipped?
Orders placed before 10am will be processed the same day. They will be dispatched by post the following day.

How can I check the status of my order?
Log in to your account and visit the Order History page to view the current status of your order. You will also receive email notifications about the progress of your order.

Which payment methods do you accept?
We accept common payment methods such as Twint, Apple Pay, credit cards, PayPal.

Is my payment secure?
Yes, your payment is secure. We use secure encryption technologies to protect your personal information.

How can I return an item?
For information regarding returns and exchanges, please visit our Return Policy page. Please follow the instructions to initiate a return.

Is there a return period?
The return period is 14 days. Please check our return policy for further details.

What do I do if an item is faulty or damaged?
Please contact our customer service immediately so that we can resolve the issue. We can provide you with return or exchange instructions.

How can I reset my password?
Click "Forgot Password" on the login page and follow the password recovery instructions.

Can I buy products locally?
No, we do not offer on-site sales.