The exciting world of complementary feeding: A gentle transition for your baby from breastfeeding to solid food

July 28, 2024
Die aufregende Welt der Beikost: Ein sanfter Übergang für dein Baby vom Stillen zur Beikost
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The introduction of solid food is an exciting milestone in your baby's development. Here you will find out when the ideal time is, how the transition is designed and what role individual development plays.

Complementary feeding and breastfeeding: 'A harmonious combination'
The introduction of complementary foods does not mean the end of breastfeeding. It is a gentle replacement of milk meals with puree meals. The transition from milk to porridge happens gradually and offers a variety of taste experiences for the little ones.

Individual development in focus
Every baby develops differently. Some show interest in solid foods earlier, others later. Pay attention to your baby's signs of maturity, such as interest in eating, holding the head up independently and opening the mouth when offering puree.

The right time for the first puree meals
The ideal time to introduce solid foods is when your baby: - ​​can sit upright with help, - is interested in other people's food, - opens his mouth when the spoon comes, and - no longer pushes the puree out of his mouth with his tongue.

The culinary roadmap: From porridge to adult food
Start after the fourth month at the earliest and at the beginning of the seventh month at the latest. Many parents choose a fruit or vegetable puree as the first meal. The second puree follows about a month later, and the third puree meal is recommended at around 8 months.

In addition to spoons and child-safe dishes, baby porridge portioners and storage containers for homemade porridge are now also practical companions.

This is what a daily schedule from the seventh month onwards could look like:
Morning: Breastfeeding or infant formula
Lunch: Alternating vegetable puree and vegetable-meat puree
Afternoon: Fruits with cereals
Evening: Depending on hunger or need to suckle, cereal porridge and/or breastfeeding or infant formula
In between: soft pieces of fruit or vegetables, a little dried fruit or wholemeal bread.

Minimize stress with the right equipment

Some utensils are helpful for this exciting step: A high-quality baby food spoon, non-slip bowls and plates as well as a practical baby food mill can make preparation and feeding easier. Link

Traveling with Babies

To be well equipped when you're on the go, we recommend baby food thermos containers and practical storage containers for snacks. Our 2 in 1 food container with spoon is also ideal for when you're on the go, with measurements. Link For the meal in between, we have a snack pacifier in which you can pack any fruit or vegetable. Your baby can suck the food out of it. Link

Conclusion: An exciting step into the world of tastes

The introduction of solid foods is an individual journey for every baby. Enjoy this exciting step, pay attention to the needs of your little explorer and experience together the culinary diversity that the world has to offer.

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